• The sector’s lead body for adventure activities

    Safety Accreditation : Representation : Guidance

  • What We Do

    AAIAC, the Adventure Activities Industry Advisory Committee, is the sector’s lead body for safety in adventure activities. It is representative of a wide range of stakeholders from the UK adventure activities sector and is supported by the Institute for Outdoor Learning.

    Safety Accreditation:

    taking a coordinating role in safety accreditation of adventurous activity and managing, developing and growing Adventuremark.


    being a single contact point for Government and other agencies in the areas of safety, risk management and good practice.


    being a single point of contact for all stakeholders, sharing good practice, developing standards and guidance

  • Safety Assurance Schemes

    The Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) Quality Badge and Adventuremark are non-statutory quality and safety badges respectively. Both are supported by the AAIAC.

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    LOtC Quality Badge

    The LOtC Quality Badge, overseen by Council for Learning Outside the Classroom, is a national award assessing both the quality of risk management and educational provision across all types of learning outside the classroom providers including adventurous activity providers.


    To find out more about the whole scheme click here.

    To find out how to apply as a provider of Adventurous Activities click here. 

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    Adventuremark is a non statutory scheme for adventurous activities in the UK, supported by the AAIAC.


    To find out more about Adventuremark click here.


  • Governance

    AAIAC was restructured in 2019 to be accountable to Adventure UK, which meets annually to receive an annual report and to provide direction, guidance and support on its strategic plan.

    Adventure UK is the body of representative organisations who oversee the election of AAIAC members and its work plan.

    Click here to access a full list of current Adventure UK Board, Council and Committees Membership

    For a copy of the AAIAC Constitution please click here

  • The AAIAC Committee

    The ten members of AAIAC are elected from all areas of the sector.

    Elections for at least five places on AAIAC take place every three years.

    Current Members:

    • Chris Proud
    • Jo Barnett
    • Leo Hoare
    • Pete Caterall
    • Glen Probert
    • Gary Dovey
    • Tracey Evans
    • Andy Taylor (Chair)
    • Elspeth Mason
    • Peter White
    • Paul Kenwright
    • Steve Woods
    • Will Close Ash
    • Phil Dale
    • Jane Campbell Morrison (Coopted)

    The following are currently Observer Members:

    • John Cousins
    • Paul Donovan
    • Representation from HSE and AALS
  • Approved Schemes and Accredited Providers

    AAIAC Multi Activity Approved Schemes

    • AHOEC (Association of Heads of Outdoor Education Centres)
    • BAPA (British Activity Providers Association)
    • BC (British Canoeing)

      AAIAC Activity Specific Approved Schemes


      • MT (Mountain Training) 
      • MIAS (Mountain Biking Instructors Award Scheme)
      • BASI (British Association of Skiing Instructors) 


    • News and Updates

      Here you will find what AAIAC has been working on and any important updates relevant to the sector

    • Resources and Guidance Documents

      Resources for the Outdoor Sector

      Multi Site Accreditation Guidance

      The UK Ropes Course and Off-Ground Adventure Activities Guide 2021

      Surviving a Career in Adventure Activities

      Adventuremark Survey Report 2015

      Which Route to Accreditation

      AALS Info Log - Articles

      Adventure RMS - Safety Management Updates

    • Connect With Us

      To get in touch with the Chair of AAIAC - Andy Taylor - Please use the following contact